If you're concerned about maintaining great oral health, you may be feeling that brushing and flossing regularly is simply not enough. Here are a few things that you can do to help ensure that your teeth don't incur additional issues:
Watch what you eat and drink.
Most people know that sugary foods are not good for the teeth, but they may not know why. Sugar that is found in sweets, such as candies and cakes, is a simple carbohydrate.
The bacteria in the mouth feed on simple carbohydrates for energy. As the bacteria eat, they release digestive waste. One of the byproducts that is excreted is bacterial acid. This acid dissolves the tooth enamel to cause tooth decay.
Like bacterial acid, the acids ingested in the foods and drinks that you consume also affect the health of your teeth. Strongly acidic drinks, such as sodas and citrus juices, can also harm tooth enamel and cause dental decay.
It is best to choose foods that are low in sugar and high in fiber. The fibrous consistency of fresh fruits and vegetables can help clean bacteria and plaque from the teeth without adding huge amounts of sugar to the mouth.
Be sure to use a mouth guard if you grind your teeth.
If you suffer from a condition called bruxism, which is the unintentional grinding of your teeth, be sure to use a mouth guard when you sleep at night. Since bruxism is unintentional, it can usually not be stopped at will. Thus, protective measures must be taken to reduce the amount of bite pressure received by the teeth during episodes of grinding. The bite pressure from bruxism can be so substantial that the teeth can actually become cracked or chipped.
Mouth guards are made of a soft shock-absorbent plastic that helps relieve the grinding pressure from the teeth. Over-the-counter guards are available that can be heated and then molded to conform to your teeth. However, the best fitting guards are available from your dentist.
Rinse your mouth with water periodically throughout the day.
After every meal and snack, rinse your mouth with tap water. The water is likely to be fluoridated, and the liquid helps dilute any acid that is in your mouth. As your teeth are cleaned of plaque and debris by the rinsing of the water, they are made more resistant to oral acids by the introduction of the fluoride.
To learn more things that you can do to protect your teeth, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your area or visit a website like http://www.hpfamilydental.com/.