Dental implants are used to replace the dental roots of lost teeth. The implants are constructed of titanium metal and rest in the bone of the jaw.
Over the course of a few months, the implant stabilizes in the mouth. This stabilization is due to a process called osteointegration. During osteointegration, the bone of the jaw grows, eliminating the space between the implant and the jawbone. As a result, the dental implant integrates with the bone.
Once osseointegration is complete, the dental implant can be fitted with a connector and a dental crown to complete a single-tooth restoration. If the implant is combined with another tooth-replacement device, such as a dental bridge or denture, the other device can also be added to the implant after osseointegration is complete.
Many people with dental implants may know little about caring for the device once it is in place. Here are a few measures that you can take to protect your implant-based restoration.
Avoid Foods That Are Excessively Sticky
Sticky foods can pull a dental crown from a dental implant. The dental implant may be left in place, but the removal of the crown should not be taken likely. The dental crown is needed for proper chewing. Additionally, it restores the look of the mouth.
In order to repair it, a disconnected crown must be reapplied to the dental implant. The abutment may also require replacement if it is pulled from the implant when the crown is removed.
Avoid Chewing on Inedible Items
Many people have a habit of chewing on substances that are not edible. People bite on pens, ice, and other items to relieve stress.
If you have a dental implant and you bite on hard, inedible items, you risk moving the implant in the bone. The implant is able to withstand large amounts of bite force. However, the force applied to extremely hard non-food items may be too great.
Once an implant is moved from its original position in the jawbone, the device must be replaced. The bone cells will not reintegrate with the prosthetic tooth root.
Rinse With an Antibacterial Mouthwash
Bacteria can become trapped in the folds of the gums surrounding a dental implant as the implant heals into place. The microbes can cause a gum infection that prevents the proper healing of the implant. By rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash, you can eliminate the infection-causing microbes before a problem arises.
For more information about dental implants and their maintenance, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your local area and visit sites like